Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hi all,
I know chiju would be WOW'ed at my post.....It would be atleast 6 months or more since we got into this agreement of writing about the little bit we know in music. Well yes, i'd been into more serious stuff all these days. Now, i am out of all that and i feel i have to share whatever little i know with the other music lovers. Well we want to write a lot of technical stuff here, before which we need to kinda plan where to start. we'll also put our compositions (very amateurish) across sometime. We (me, chiju, deepak-lyricist) would be more than happy to get opinions on those.....................

So, lets get to the point........MUSIC...................................................................... A lot of us like music, different lang, genres, artists........We even listen to music in languages like croatian, mungese, uuuuttt, and so on.... (refer to the crazy options in orkut). But do we know the music that we listen to?.........we might even know the lang.....but the music?........

Once we get to know our music, a lot of beautiful things take place......I can bet my bottom dollar on it.. in place of just arbitrary tunes here and there, if we have well defined structures?........Thats what we'll be writing here.....with due humility we'll share the information that we know.
We'll also write something more interesting like 'what we don like in the prevalent carnatic concert styles?", we'll even write abt some artists, who are technically matchless but screw themselves up with their gestures on stage. Also......................................... write for and against the tradition......To do all this we need to dive deep into it, and we will.
As my guru says,"To be a rebel, you first need to know the existing system inside out"............So, we'll get to know the system and then rebel if we have to.
Alright, i'll come up with some good information on my next post.......btw VTV songs are good......As always Rehman Ji is beyond ordinary levels of perception.....so i don have anything to say abt it except that it is good......

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