Wednesday, June 3, 2009

About the Authors - Chiju

Hey people!

I'm Sriraj. I call myself Chiju. Neither is blogging a new thing to me nor am I a great blogger. However, blogging started with

I've always claimed that I live with music.

Now, does listening to music (whether 24x7 or not) justify that statement? I asked myself this question a zillion times. The answer is a big fat NO!

So, I've started to get a bit more serious than that. I just needed a yardstick to measure the depth of what I'm going to learn or contribute. That is my part of the story in Raaga Lahari.

In a nutshell, I have been getting trained in carnatic music for sometime. However, I've not taken it so seriously other than a few stages where I've sang and at times people have appreciated me for the way I sing. Putting an end to the intro here.

PS: Being a part of the software field, I myself am curious how fast and how frequent I'll be posting. Anyways, keep visiting.

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